Microsoft College of the Future project

The Microsoft College of the Future project was jointly managed and developed by LSDA NI, Microsoft, and Southern Regional College.  The aim was to introduce lecturing staff to tools that would help with students’ learning.

The project used Microsoft’s Live@Edu software, which is a collection of Web 2.0 tools that enable tutor lead collaboration within a learning context.  Learners would use these tools to upload content to evidence assignments.

This is another good example of how Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), especially Web 2.0, is entering the classroom and the study process to benefit all involved.  However we must remember that there is a need to ensure ICT literacy among the learners because not only do they have to study their course they also have to master the digital tools to engage with and evidence that study.

Feedback from the staff and students participating in the project was positive, with recognition of the enabling effects of such tools.

The full article can be read in LSDA’s January briefing.