Engaging in the Social Media Conversation

A recent event in Belfast, hosted by Women in Business, addressed the benefits of using social media to promote your business.  Once again the importance of this medium for engaging with customers and clients was clearly highlighted.

The presentation, delivered by Mags Byrne Consulting, focused on the opportunities social media can offer businesses and how it can be used for promotion, advertising and marketing purposes at very little cost.  The attendees certainly seemed to appreciate the benefits of engaging with the technology and were keen to learn more and put some of the suggestions into practice.

One of the key aspects of social media is the conversation; in this case the dialogue between organisations and their customers.  It is therefore important that the language used is clear and easy to understand.  That’s where the principles of plain English come in and where EGSA could possibly help.

EGSA has been running their successful “Keep It Clear” training course for a number of years.  The practical, hands-on training aims to raise awareness of plain English principles and hopefully save you time and money.  If this is something that would be useful to you or your organisation, visit EGSA’s website to learn more and maybe book a place.

Useful resource:

The NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) website is a useful resource for hints and tips on using social media, particularly with regard to marketing.  Claire Rollinson’s (NCVO Enterprise Manager) blog has a series of interesting and relevant posts; her most recent discussed how social networks can enable organisations to create a true dialogue with their customers and supporters.