Media Literacy e-bulletin from Ofcom (Jan 2010)

Some highlights from the latest Ofcom ebulletin:

BBC unveils 2010 media literacy activity

The BBC have a strong showing in March with BBC Radio 2 running a media literacy campaign throughout the month and BBC2’s Working Lunch having a ‘digital inclusion week’.

Online Basics course for adults launched

New courses launched to help adults gain the skills and confidence to get online:

‘Get Digital’ campaign

Digital Unite and NIACE have announced a new digital inclusion programme, ‘Get Digital’.  The focus will be on digital literacy skills for older residents in sheltered housing.

Northern Ireland – Ofcom Media Literacy Workshop

Ofcom will hold a Media Literacy workshop entitled: ‘Digital Content: One man’s journey of exploration’ on Thursday 11 February.

National Digital Inclusion Conference: Digital Participation – 11 and 12 March

The conference will bring together digital inclusion players, providers, policy makers and practitioners to share best practice, make connections and practical pledges to make digital inclusion happen. The line-up of speakers looks really good with the following to confirm: Martha Lane Fox, Tim Berners Lee, Stephen Timms MP and the Obama administration.

Games Based Learning Conference – 29 and 30 March

This again looks like another very good confernce.  It’s aimed at those interested in the positive impact that video games, social media and augmented reality technology are having on learning.  Having seen a demo of serious game technology in relation to healthcare at a recent conference in the University of  Ulster I feel this presents an exciting advancement in learning and skills development.

The full January Media Literacy ebulletin can be accessed on the Ofcom website.

Addressing the Digital Divide

An objective of Martha Lane Fox and the Digital Inclusion Task Force is to get more people benefiting from being online, especially those viewed as disadvantaged.

One of their vehicles for achieving this is the Race Online 2012 campaign:

Race Online 2012 is a national campaign to challenge and support the British government, the private sector, the media, charities, grassroots organisations and members of the British general public to accelerate all their efforts to overcome Britain’s digital divide.

We believe technology can make life easier for everyone, but particularly for those who are struggling to make ends meet, trying to find work or wanting to up their skills. While for those who might particularly need friends or professional support when struggling with a health problem or life crisis, it can be a real lifeline.

Plenty of organisations and individuals share our enthusiasm – there are countless projects up and down the country that are already hard at work helping Britain’s least privileged groups take their first steps online.

Here are a few examples:

Computer give-away scheme to begin – Disadvantaged people will benefit from a council scheme to make used computers available to local residents, instead of disposing of them.

Home Access ‘went like rocket’ – 270,000 homes next – More than 270,000 households could receive a free computer and broadband internet connection as a result of a new scheme to be formally announced at the BETT 2010 educational technology show in London in January.

A good project example is the Digital Activist Inclusion Network (DAIN) – an exciting volunteer project working across the East Midlands.  DAIN aims to promote digital inclusion by encouraging people to use technology with the help of volunteers (Digital Activists).  Funded by the European Social Fund.

If you know of other activities and projects supporting this objective please share within the comments.

Ofcom Media Literacy Bulletin Issue 28

This month’s issue has a number of reports and articles on Children’s Media Literacy.

In addition, here are a few points to note:

  1. Nominations are now open for Adult Learners’ Week Awards 2010 (closing date 29/01/2010)
  2. Silver Surfers’ Day has been confirmed as the 21 May
  3. Grand Opera House now has its own iPhone application (keeping its digitally literate audience up-to-date)

The full bulletin can be accessed on the Ofcom website.

BT Internet Ranger of the Year

As part of BT’s commitment to invest in the community they have launched the BT Internet Rangers award.  This is targeted at young people, up to the age of 16, who help others get online.

There are two awards:

  1. Internet Ranger of the Year – the winner will receive an HP Laptop plus £250 worth of IT vouchers.  There will be a winner from each region and an overall national winner.
  2. Internet Rangers Schools Award – the winning school or group of schools will receive £5000.

To learn more and apply online visit